Thursday, May 16, 2013

Windows Movie Maker Tutorial

1.       How do you think you did?
I think I did well.
2.       Do you think your audience will be able to complete that tasks given based on your tutorial?
Yes I think my audience will be able to complete the tasks.
3.       What was easy and what did you have trouble with? 
Writing the script was easy but i had trouble saying it into the microphone mistake-free.
4.       How could you use this web 2.0 tool in the future?
I could use this when i want to share something i know how to do with the world.
  -   Other thoughts . . . This was a simple, but fun project. 

1 comment:

  1. you did a good job with this video. My only suggestion is to add how to move photo's around in case the order isn't what you want. The other is how to alter volume of music. Mention prerecorded naration can be added or you can record directly in Movie Maker.

    Your voice was loud enough but it sounded like you were in a tunnle. It may be the settings of your microphone. Your demonstration was excellent - good speed, easy to follow and you gave just the right amount of detail.

    Download this to S drive name it Movie Maker Basics.
    23/25 A
