Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Theodore Roosevelt River of doubt

First article facts 1. Theodore Roosevelt always carried a lethal dose of morphine with him. 2. He explored the Rio da Duvida, or The River of Doubt. 3. On his journey he got malaria and a potentially deadly bacterial infection in his leg from cutting it open on a boulder. 4. He was visiting his son, Kermit, who lived in Brazil. 5. Kermit almost died in the same accident his paddler died in. 6. One man on the trip, despised for his laziness and violent temper, had begun to steal food. Out of desperation and rage, he eventually murdered another man on the expedition. 7. The river was renamed the Rio Roosevelt. 8. Roosevelt never fully recovered from his sickness, but didn’t regret doing it. Second article facts 1. Teddy Roosevelt was suffering from a humiliating election defeat and wanted to get away 2. He visited his son, Kermit, who lived in Brazil. 3. He explored the Rio da Duvida, or The River of Doubt. 4. 3 weeks before the election, Roosevelt had been shot in the arm by John Schrank. 5. Roosevelt lost by 2.2 million votes Third article facts ( 1. Teddy Roosevelt was suffering from a humiliating election defeat and wanted to get away 2. He went into the unexplored Rio da Duvida or River of Doubt 3. They had to travel 400 miles on mules before they reached the river. 4. The team split up and went separate ways. 5. The team found native tribes. 6. Rondon’s dog was killed All article facts 1. Explored the river of doubt 2. Visiting his son 3. Needed to get away from the humiliating election loss 4. Renamed the river Roosevelt 5. Found native tribes 6. The tribes killed rondon’s dog Only one article reported on Theodore Roosevelt always carried a lethal dose of morphine with him. I think this might be true because he might of needed it sometime.